We are excited to bring you a virtual Purim Festival in the safety of your own home, thanks to our Festival Co-Chairs, Louise Rosenbloom and Suzi Winterstein.
To assist you with making Purim a special event in your home, below is an activity book to download, and links to videos, other activities and recipes.
[Click on the image]
We Don't Talk About Haman "Hamencanto" Purim Parody 2022
What is Purim? An intro for older kids
Mayim Bialik Explains the Delightful Holiday of Purim
Escape Room The ShinShinim created this for Purim - It's very cute and kids can do it with their parents. It has little Purim videos it goes to when the wrong answer is pressed, and it has a short video of Esther escaping as the game moves forward.
From the URJ & PJ Library
Explore the sites of the Union for Reform Judaism and PJ Library for additional Purim activities, recipes, videos, and more!