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7360 Bayview Avenue, Thornhill, ON | 905-889-2252

Death and Mourning


We are rarely, if ever, truly prepared for the death of someone close to us, even in cases of a long illness. A death in the family or among close friends can be a time of distress, when our feelings are often confused and we are unsure what to do, how to behave, and what arrangements need to be made.

We are here to help guide and support you as you walk the path of grief, organize the funeral and honour your loved one within the traditions of Judaism.

If there has been a death in your family, please contact the Temple office and we will assist you. Call 905-889-2252 and,

  • During office hours, press ‘0’.

  • After hours, e.g., at night, on weekends, and on all Jewish and statutory holidays, press '2'

Rabbi Weiss and Cantor Littman perform funeral and burial services for members and their family members.  Additionally, the Temple's Shiva Committee provides volunteers who lead shiva services and provide prayer books when required. Our volunteer shiva leaders  will come to your home for 8:00pm services.

For those who wish to fulfill the mitzvah of reciting Kaddish daily for their loved ones, or to observe a YahrzeitMorning Services are held via Zoom 7:15am. Monday through Friday, and 9:00am on Sundays and Statutory Holidays. Sunday's Morning  Service is also in-person. These services are led by dedicated volunteers from our synagogue.

If you have questions about the traditions for mourning, we have prepared a booklet to assist you. You can download a copy by clicking here, or you may call the synagogue and speak with Rabbi Weiss or Cantor Littman directly.

For more information on Death and Mourning, please click here.

Members are able to purchase plots in Temple Har Zion sections.  Special sections are also available for inter-faith families to allow spouses to be buried next to each other.  For more information, please contact Rachel Saslove, at extension 103 or rachel@harzion.ca

Jewish Funeral Homes
Below is the contact information for the Jewish Funeral Homes serving  the GTA:

Benjamin’s Park Memorial Chapel
2401 Steeles Avenue West
Toronto, Ontario M3J 2P1
Phone: 416-663-9060

Steeles Memorial Chapel
350 Steeles Avenue West
Thornhill Ontario L4J 1A1
Phone: 905-881-6003

Hebrew Basic Burial
3429 Bathurst Street
Toronto, Ontario
Phone: 416-780-0596

For information on obtaining a yahrzeit plaque for our Yahrzeit Memorial Board, please click the link below.

Yahrzeit Plaques


Mon, March 31 2025 2 Nisan 5785