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7360 Bayview Avenue, Thornhill, ON | 905-889-2252

Donation Fund Descriptions



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Temple Har Zion is a registered charity and we rely on donations to connect, engage and inspire. All donations will result in a tax receipt being issued early next year for the full amount of all donations received during the current year.


Donations to the funds below, unless designated with an asterisk (*), help offset the costs and enhance our existing programs.  In some cases, donations to these funds may be used to offset other costs.


Funds with an asterisk (*) are used exclusively for the stated purpose of the fund.


Adult Education Fund

Provides funds for guest speakers and guest Torah Study leaders. Donations may be directed specifically to Evening Programs, the Daytime Speaker Series, Torah Study, or to the fund in general.


Ann Zworth Holocaust Education Fund*

Provides funds towards educating congregants and the general public about all aspects of the Holocaust through the funding of speakers and events and sponsorship of students to the "March of the Living" program.


Arthur & Dvora Brown Camp George Fund*

This fund recognizes the positive impact that Reform Jewish camping has in creating strong Jewish identity through meaningful summer experiences. All money donated to this fund is used to provide families with financial support to send their children to URJ Camp George.

Brotherhood Fund*
Provides monies to assist Temple further its goals.


Cantor’s Discretionary Fund*
Provides funds for the Cantor’s discretionary use to support causes including members and community members in need, special programing at our Temple and other worthwhile needs and endeavors.


Chesed Fund - see Paulette Volgyesi Memorial Chesed Fund

Community Dinner Fund

Supports the community dinners that THZ provides at Temple to those in need to fight food insecurity.


Davis Yacht Garden - Gan Moshe Fund
Provides funds for the ongoing maintenance of a Temple garden in which we hold Shabbat evening services from time to time, and in which members can sit or stroll outdoors and celebrate their weddings and other simchas.


Director of Education & School Fund
Subsidizes educational programs for Religious and Hebrew School students and teachers, professional development and special events. Purchase of equipment or materials to enhance our school's learning environment.


Fight Food Insecurity Fund

Donates funds to organizations helping people living with hunger by providing food access, and also organizations promoting actions, which address root causes of food insecurity. All monies donated to this fund will be used solely to fight food insecurity and will not be used for Temple operations.


Hybrid Meeting Equipment Fund

Provides funds for equipment necessary to successfully hold in-person meetings, workshops, and classes at Temple when some of the participants are attending remotely.


Legacy Fund*
Provides funds for the maintenance of capital improvements to the physical plant of the congregation and for both current and future objectives, activities and programs of the congregation. The fund supports the long-term financial security and continuity of our congregation.


Library Fund
Provides funds for the purchase of books, periodicals, and library equipment.


Lynn Rae Israel Scholarship Fund*
Contributes funds towards scholarship youths who have completed the Temple Har Zion Confirmation program. These merit-based scholarships assist eligible youth to attend Israel Reform movement programs such as a NFTY Israel trip or a semester at the Heller High School in Israel (formerly NFTY-EIE).


Marvin Kopstick Leadership Fund*
Provides funds to promote leadership among our lay leaders. Assistance is provided to both individuals and events that advance leadership qualities and will enhance the future growth of our Temple.


MHarZY Leadership Fund
Provides funds to send our youth to the North American Federation of Temple Youth (NFTY) programs and events, and for local MHARZY programming.


Music Fund
Provides funds for the enhancement of our music programs and to purchase necessary materials and equipment.


Paulette Volgyesi Memorial Chesed Fund
Provides funds to reimburse some of the expenses Chesed Committee volunteers personally incur such as when visiting Temple members in the hospital (hospital parking) or sending out cards (postage).


Prayer Book Funds

Provides for the funding of our prayer books and and an inscription in memory of a loved one or in honour of a special or milestone occasion in a loved one’s life.


Rabbi Michael & Celia Stroh Adult Education Program Fund
Provides funding for an annual Adult Education Program, in their honour, emphasizing Jewish theology and philosophy.


Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund*
Provides funds for the Rabbi’s discretionary use to support causes including members and community members in need, special programing at our Temple and other worthwhile needs and endeavours.


Sanctuary Chair Plaque Fund
Provides an inscribed plaque on one of the chairs in honour of a special occasion, or memory of a loved one.


Scheinberg Family Sustainabilty Fund*

The interest generated by this fund supports the long-term financial security and continuity of our congregation


Security Fund
Helps offset some of the increased costs associated with providing a safe and secure place in which to connect, be engaged and inspired. 


Sisterhood Fund*
Provides financial support for URJ camp scholarships, funding to Temple Youth for various programs including MHARZY and March of the Living, and provides gifts to our Confirmands and B'nai Mitzvah students.


Tara Abrams Legacy Fund for Music Education and Programming*
This legacy fund supports and promotes music education and programming at Temple, in honour of Hazzanit Tara Abrams.


THZ Fund
Funds Shabbat Kiddush, refreshments provided before or after Friday Shabbat services or breakfasts for Torah study.


Torah Fund
Provides for the purchase and repair items specifically related to the Torah, such as the crowns, yads, breast plates and mantles.


Video Streaming Fund
Provides for the ongoing provision of live streamed services.


Youth Development Fund - see MHarZY Leadership Fund


Youth Engagement & Travel Fund
Funds programming for post-B’nai Mitzvah education and engagement, including travel and hands-on experiential learning.


Young Families Engagement Fund

Funds programming to connect, engage and inspire young families at Temple and in the community.

All donations may be made online.  For further information about these funds, please reach out to our Executive Director, Rachel Saslove.



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Out of the Cold Fund
Supports our Out of the Cold program which, for nine Wednesdays in winter, warmly welcomes homeless and socially-isolated people as guests to our synagogue for a hot meal and a safe place to spend the night.

Tue, February 4 2025 6 Sh'vat 5785