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7360 Bayview Avenue, Thornhill, ON | 905-889-2252

Adult Choir


Temple Har Zion’s Adult Choir is a group of dedicated volunteers who are committed to enhancing the worship experience with beautiful music. It is this distinct purpose that makes it different than a community choir, as the group performs a mitzvah together.

The choir’s repertoire ranges from traditional Jewish melodies to current popular ones, from simple folk songs to sophisticated choral compositions.

The choir is conducted and accompanied by our Music Director, Eleanor Ackerman Rice. They sing at High Holy Day services, bi-monthly Shabbat services, and other special services at THZ and in the community as well.

Rehearsals are held at the synagogue Wednesday evenings from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m.

The ability to read Hebrew is not a requirement, as all Hebrew words are transliterated. The ability to read music is also not a requirement, but can be helpful. In addition to receiving music, recordings of choral parts are prepared and provided by Eleanor.

What is the requirement to join the choir? A choir member needs to:

  • love singing;
  • be able to “carry a tune”;
  • be a member of Temple Har Zion;
  • be willing to invest time in learning new material; and
  • enjoy singing with a group of other dedicated individuals.

This last point may not be fully realized until you actually join the choir! Recent studies have clearly documented the psychological and social benefits of participating in a choir. Simply put: IT’S FUN!

For more information, please contact Eleanor at 905 889 2252 ext.105 or eleanor@harzion.ca


Mon, March 31 2025 2 Nisan 5785